The “Testimonial” Close


Use a happy customer to convince the other person.

Show them letters from happy customers. Have the letters on the wall.

If you are using the name of the happy customer, make sure they agree to you doing this. Otherwise you will have to use an anonymous reference, such as ‘satisfied customer from Birmingham’ or ‘major airline’.

Persuade happy customers act as references, that the other person can either call up or they can visit. Reward the happy customer with appropriate thanks, which may range from a simple letter to a small present to a discount. Be very careful here to ensure the customer feels valued and does not feel they are being bribed.


I regularly receive letters from happy customers. Here are a few.

XYZ Corporation are regular customers.

We have several customers who are happy to act as reference sites for us. Would you like me to arrange a visit for you?

How it works

The Testimonial Close works by providing evidence from a credible source. If they do not trust you, they are much more likely to trust someone who is similar to them.

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